If you have been to an event and noticed a pattern or logo projected onto the venue wall, floor, or ceiling, you have likely seen gobos in action. A gobo is a small metal stencil or etched glass disc that is attached to a light fixture to project the image or pattern. Gobo is short for “Goes Between Optics“, referencing the location where the disc is placed in relation to the light source. While the effect of gobos can be amazing, there are limits to what can be projected with a stencil or etching. At AVENUE, we offer four digital gobo projectors that give you more flexibility than both printed signage and the traditional, physical gobo.
Full Color Detailed Projection
Typical stencil gobos do not allow for fine details in logos or patterns and metal and glass gobos can limit the color of the logo or pattern to the color and type of light fixture used. Our digital gobo projectors allow full color projection with fine details. All we need are your high-resolution images.

Add Movement to Your Gobos
You are not limited to just a single image when you go digital. You can project a looping slideshow in full color. This is especially useful when acknowledging multiple event sponsors or sharing photos during a celebration event.
Increase Visibility
Gobos can add visibility and drama to your event because they can be larger than printed signage and can be placed high on walls or other strategic locations.

Cost Savings
With a traditional gobo, the only way to project in full color detail is to order a custom, colored glass gobo which will cost hundreds of dollars each. At AVENUE, we will program our gobo projectors to project multiple images you provide throughout the evening for half that cost. Digital gobo projectors also give you the opportunity to reduce your printed materials creating a more sustainable event.

Many Uses for Digital Gobo Projectors
Event planners are only limited by their imagination when utilizing our digital gobo projectors. Some creative ideas are:
- Display your event logo in highly visible locations.
- Engage your attendees by promoting your event hashtag and social media handles.
- Brand your event and complement your decor.
- Welcome guests at the main entrance.
- Cycle through multiple sponsors logos.
- Identify your wine wall location.
- Share photo memories.
- Guide guests to registration.
- Present the conference schedule digitally and reduce paper waste.
- Detail live auction items during the reception.
- Spotlight your keynote speaker, emcee, benefit auctioneer, and performers.
- Communicate your event message.

Ready to maximize your event impact with digital gobo projectors? Contact us today to schedule your personal tour and add this versatile AV option to your next event.